Microsoft Official | Time Zone Update for Azerbaijan







Though we plan to release a data update, there is insufficient lead before the time change goes into effect.  Therefore, we offer the following guidance temporary workaround until such an update can be properly created, tested, distributed, and installed.

Our official policy statement can be found on the site at

Until an update is made available, we recommend our customers to continue using time zone “(UTC +04:00) Baku” and turn off the “Adjust for daylight saving time automatically” setting. This can be done in advance as DST is currently not in effect.

The government of Azerbaijan recently announced that they will not be observing DST this year. DST was previously scheduled to begin on March 27th, 2016. Microsoft is preparing an update to Windows which will reflect this change. We anticipate an update to be available on Tuesday, May 10, 2016.

Source :  Time zone update for azerbaijan

Baxılıb :77372

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